Most people at one point or another suffer from an itchy scalp. Sometimes the cause is identifiable while in other instances it is next to impossible to establish what is causing itchiness of the scalp. Regardless, there are easy and quick ways to cure an itchy scalp right at home and it is also important to know what causes itchiness of the scalp to prevent it in the future.
Dandruff is actually a medical condition that comes about from yeast overgrowth. Yeast is commonly found on the scalp as well as on other hairy regions of the body. When chemistry composition of the body changes it results in yeast overgrowth, which then feeds on oils and the body’s dead skin cells. of The presence of dandruff is seen through the white dry flakes falling from the scalp and itchiness of the scalp.
Using over-the-counter shampoo formulated to eliminate the fungal component can clear dandruff. However, this is a treatment method that works effectively only for mild cases of dandruff.
Anyone who suffers from eczema, a skin condition causing inflammation and flakiness, will often suffer from an itchy scalp as well. Eczema commonly affects children, but it can affect practically anyone.
Prescribed steroid creams and moisturizers help to relieve itchiness brought about by eczema. People suffering from itchy scalps induced by eczema are also advised to avoid using harsh soaps. Limiting stress has also been reported to have positive effects on curing eczema.
Over Processing Hair
Over processing hair through frequent chemical relaxing, treatment or coloring can also cause itchiness of the scalp. These chemical processes sap moisture out of the scalp leaving it dry and flaking begins. With flaking comes itchiness of the scalp.
The obvious treatment for itchiness of the scalp caused by over processing of hair would be to temporarily stop these processes. Once the itchiness stops, it makes sense to altogether limit the number of times you have your hair chemically processed.
Itchiness of the scalp can be caused by an allergic reaction to hair care products. Perhaps you switch to a different shampoo or styling product and develop itchiness this could point to an allergic reaction. Some hair sprays also contain components designed to tighten the hair and drying it is a way of achieving this. The result is also an itchy scalp.
When itchiness caused by the above reasons occur, stop using the new shampoo or styling product.
The dreaded infestation that most people don’t want to talk about or think that they could suffer from, head lice can also cause scalp itchiness. Lice invade the scalp from exposure from animals or other people who already suffer from lice infestation.
Using medicated shampoo and practicing proper hygiene can clear head lice. Properly washing all clothes and bedding as well as hair care products such as combs, scrunchies and brushes in hot water for about 20 minutes is important to get rid of lice.
How to Manage an Itchy Scalp at Home
It is important to adapt proper hair care regimes geared towards curing and preventing recurrences of an itchy scalp. There are a number of products that you have in your house that can help cure an itchy scalp.
- Apple Cider Vinegar Wash
Create an Apple Cider Vinegar shampoo by mixing equal parts of it with water. Wash your hair normally then apply the mixture directly on the scalp using cotton balls or spraying it onto the hair. Massage your scalp and allow it to rest for 15 to 20 minutes. Cover the hair with a towel as you allow the mixture to rest and then rinse your hair off normally. Repeat the process up to twice weekly for effective results.
- Coconut Oil
Coconut oil keeps the scalp moisturized helping to reduce dryness and in turn itchiness. After washing and drying the hair rub coconut oil onto the scalp and let it sit for about 30 minutes. Rinse the hair off with perfume-free shampoo. Repeat the process at least 3 times weekly. Another option is to add moderately heated coconut oil to your shampoo and use it to rinse off your hair after washing.
- Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil is a natural powerful anti-inflammation, antifungal and antibacterial that is useful in curing an itchy scalp. Mix 10 to 20 drops of it with ½ a cup of baby shampoo. Use the mixture daily to shampoo your hair until the scalp is relieved from itchiness.
Other useful products to use at home to cure an itchy scalp include:
- Lemon juice for its antiseptic properties. It also contains Vitamin C helping to cure a dry and itchy scalp as well as dandruff.
- Baking soda to exfoliate the scalp relieving an itchy scalp as well as preventing dandruff.
- Aloe Vera for its moisturizing and anti inflammatory properties.
- Sesame Seed Oil for its healing, nourishing and lubricating properties.
- Bananas come in handy to remove dry flakes and alleviate inflammation.
- Stay hydrated; remember that hydrating the body also means hydrating the scalp.
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